FAQ / Issues / Help / Request
# I want social media page to follow site incase it gets copyright takedown.
Signup to our Subscription Page . Incase this site gets takendown due to copyright, we will make new site address and you will receive new site via subscribed mail id.
# Issue in Live / Replay Page Player / Blank page / Adpage loading.
* Use Chrome browser. it works in all devices. Chrome Browser Installation Link
* Safari fix – On safari refreshing the page then pressing reduce protection when prompted at the top has fixed it. ( Thanks to bob )
* If ur using chrome but still getting issue. Notify in comments with info – country, device, VideoHost/Stream, ErrorMessage / issue info / Screenshot..
EG: Australia, IPhone 8, Dailymotion, Error = HD not available in quality list. – screenshot link.
# Which link should i use to watch live shows.
– All SD/LQ are usually stable but CATCHUP links will be the mostly stable.
# Why Stream HD live keeps going down.
– During big live shows, HD links can get rejected due to copyright, stream admins will replace it asap, just click refresh icon and it will work with new link.
# I posted a comment / request / issue. its not appearing.
– We keep comments for approval so that any admin that can solve can easily find users with issue and give answer, when any admin has an answer for ur query / request they will reply u..
# Why collection updates still in pending.
Daily we are making little progress in collection to restart, without earnings we are stuck inbetween as far as collection is concerned, the plan was to start collection in August 2023. but its long gone and we are still trying to find a decent host that wont delete old files to keep collections.
For Copyright Issues kindly check Disclaimer First.
the Raw links for Jan 6 are going to USA network right now…
what does the 2nd link show?
during live time links will change. its like a ppv, they wont keep channel live 24×7.
can i get unbanned that was my troll id
Hi, Thanks for your work. I want to know if you are going to upload Raw and Smackdown 2022, 2023, 2024 as an archive. Also if you are planning to uploud ECW (WWE) and NXT UK =)
Hey i have a problem with the collections, In this case the wwe ppvs in 2009 they do not work. And Extreme Rules 2009 does not work in download too
Add some dx gifs,
,move holidays gifs to bottom
Could not play video error Raw 1996 august 19th
nothing works, wwf wwe nothing shows up please fix
use chrome. what error do u get? if possible specify an episode and host that doesnt work.
having that same issue
will there be an AEW Collision stream today ?
its not listed for now :-O
collision is on saturdays not fridays. we cant any find any info on schedule change. if u have anyother info about schedule, do notify. thankyou.
YES ! my fault.. i was thinking today is saturday 😀
SAT.JAN.11 7:00pm(PST) 10:00pm(EST) / SUN.JAN.12 3:00am(GMT)
Japanese Commentary & English Commentary
Start streaming the pre-match at Jan 11 6:30pm(PST) 9:30pm(EST) / Jan 12 2:30am(GMT).
11th Jan Night 9.30PM ET still like 15hrs remaining.
Unable to download https://1max.top/watch-wwe-ppvs-pay-per-views-2019-online-full-year-shows-free-collection/#12 . I am able to reach the Download File option but clicking on it makes the whole box blank and the file does not get downloaded. I’m using Chrome
issue only in that show? WWE_Crown_Jewel_2019 hd sd lq seem to work for me.
The server was apparently allowing me to download only one file at a time. I faced the issue with other files too but things work fine if I download just one at a time.
yes we have a problem after downgrading our cdn plan, it will be back to unlimited downloads after we get enough budget from hadmin later. for now this is all we got.
Can i get unbanned? I don’t know what rules I broke but I’ll make sure to be careful next time 🙂