FAQ / Issues / Help / Request
# I want social media page to follow site incase it gets copyright takedown.
Signup to our Subscription Page . Incase this site gets takendown due to copyright, we will make new site address and you will receive new site via subscribed mail id.
# Issue in Live / Replay Page Player / Blank page / Adpage loading.
* Use Chrome browser. it works in all devices. Chrome Browser Installation Link
* Safari fix – On safari refreshing the page then pressing reduce protection when prompted at the top has fixed it. ( Thanks to bob )
* If ur using chrome but still getting issue. Notify in comments with info – country, device, VideoHost/Stream, ErrorMessage / issue info / Screenshot..
EG: Australia, IPhone 8, Dailymotion, Error = HD not available in quality list. – screenshot link.
# Which link should i use to watch live shows.
– All SD/LQ are usually stable but CATCHUP links will be the mostly stable.
# Why Stream HD live keeps going down.
– During big live shows, HD links can get rejected due to copyright, stream admins will replace it asap, just click refresh icon and it will work with new link.
# I posted a comment / request / issue. its not appearing.
– We keep comments for approval so that any admin that can solve can easily find users with issue and give answer, when any admin has an answer for ur query / request they will reply u..
# Why collection updates still in pending.
Daily we are making little progress in collection to restart, without earnings we are stuck inbetween as far as collection is concerned, the plan was to start collection in August 2023. but its long gone and we are still trying to find a decent host that wont delete old files to keep collections.
For Copyright Issues kindly check Disclaimer First.
none of the old PPVs, shows, etc in the collection Rel HD seem to be loading for me, says there’s an error. Not sure how to fix that.
Hi. Since yesterday, all the links suddenly show a message saying “Members only Area, Kindly Go back to Homepage and Enter Members Area.” I can’t find a place to login on the homepage. What’s the solution?
can u explain where u are getting this error. which video hosting gives this error? i just now checked todays shows they are working good.
Fixed after disabling VPN’s tracking features.
I don’t know why NONE of any video links are working, except the download ones.
Updated: I think my VPN’s Tracking features were causing the issue. They work now that I’ve disabled those features.
now aew dynamite fite stream says : NETFLIX ?!?!??
it clearly says in note that its ppv stream and it will change only during live.
Will you ever bring back indie shows, if not i understand i was just curious 🙂
Is The New Beginning in Osaka going to be live streamed?
All reldrive HD links for past RAW shows (2000) are not working. Literally nothing loading or downloading – everythings just shows error “429: Too Many Requests”. I’ve refreshed multiple times over and over, nothing is loading. Are there issues please?
theres problem in cdn, they changed our cdn plan to only 2 lines per user, itll give that error if limit reached per user.
Hi guys whats up?
The January 31st episode of SmackDown appears to have disappeared. XD
It doesn’t even appear in the Smackdown section.
It only appears in the WWE section but it is not the exact episode because it is actually the one from February 7th.
Will it be reposted?
Thanks in advance guys 🙂
Can someone add a active count to see how many people are on,thx for the hard work^-^
Why it saying my browser out of date ,update your browser to view this properly.
can someone email me about how be able use the website.
you cant update the browser on smart tv.
i dont way to contact yalll:-( help
Why is it telling me my browser is out of date to view this properly, on my TV browser it on way i can get on this website ,just dont why it doing that well i subscide to the mail id if yall change change again.
hope their away to fix it..
we havent changed anything, can u explain where u got this issue.