FAQ / Issues / Help / Request
# I want social media page to follow site incase it gets copyright takedown.
Signup to our Subscription Page . Incase this site gets takendown due to copyright, we will make new site address and you will receive new site via subscribed mail id.
# Issue in Live / Replay Page Player / Blank page / Adpage loading.
* Use Chrome browser. it works in all devices. Chrome Browser Installation Link
* Safari fix – On safari refreshing the page then pressing reduce protection when prompted at the top has fixed it. ( Thanks to bob )
* If ur using chrome but still getting issue. Notify in comments with info – country, device, VideoHost/Stream, ErrorMessage / issue info / Screenshot..
EG: Australia, IPhone 8, Dailymotion, Error = HD not available in quality list. – screenshot link.
# Which link should i use to watch live shows.
– All SD/LQ are usually stable but CATCHUP links will be the mostly stable.
# Why Stream HD live keeps going down.
– During big live shows, HD links can get rejected due to copyright, stream admins will replace it asap, just click refresh icon and it will work with new link.
# I posted a comment / request / issue. its not appearing.
– We keep comments for approval so that any admin that can solve can easily find users with issue and give answer, when any admin has an answer for ur query / request they will reply u..
# Why collection updates still in pending.
Daily we are making little progress in collection to restart, without earnings we are stuck inbetween as far as collection is concerned, the plan was to start collection in August 2023. but its long gone and we are still trying to find a decent host that wont delete old files to keep collections.
For Copyright Issues kindly check Disclaimer First.
i hope you dont missed that ROH is today 😉
why cant i download any of the aew shows??
why am i banned in chat?
they usually dont ban anyone except spammers & racists. if u got banned for no reason, u are probably using some proxy, it auto blocks proxy
Reldrive not working in collections
Any plans/way to add the various WWE/WWF HEAT shows?
It still redirent me to ur broser out of date isnt like i can update smart tv browser 🙁
which link redirects all links? because there are no updates, its all same .
Links to go back to mainesite and all channels,on the pge where we watch the show and chat.
Sir I m facing issue in each and every old links like from 1990 to 2021 Raw sd ppvs etc when I click on rel sd or any other link video error occurrs and when I download those files Speed gets down to 10 20 kbps about a month ago everything was perfect but Since it became 1max I am facing this problem.. I am from India my device is IQOO Z9s pls look into this
Any chance of getting new Reldrive or other functioning download links added to the older NJPW events like Wrestle Kingdom’s and Dominions from the last 10 years? Literally nothing works / loads / is valid anymore on these.
Sorry to keep requesting but no one ever answers and my messages just keep getting deleted.
Or should I request on the individual pages?
Any shot of a reupload on either of the Mae Young Classics?
Hello, I feel sorry I got banned because of racism comments, please unban me I won’t do that again I promise, I’m the big fan of this site
is there a way to made the reverse part of my Gold and still have Flash part Red?
also when there going be an change to the gifs make it fastter to use them and when will there be new ones, last can you make the video player expand same with chat ,ther sure be a way to tell if you are menchan to. thank yall for the hard work, is there news on a privacy site.
WWE LFG Live 2/23/25 Not working sound out of place please fix