FAQ / Issues / Help / Request

# I want social media page to follow site incase it gets copyright takedown.
Signup to our Subscription Page . Incase this site gets takendown due to copyright, we will make new site address and you will receive new site via subscribed mail id.

# Issue in Live / Replay Page Player / Blank page / Adpage loading.
* Use Chrome browser. it works in all devices. Chrome Browser Installation Link
* Safari fix – On safari refreshing the page then pressing reduce protection when prompted at the top has fixed it. ( Thanks to bob )
* If ur using chrome but still getting issue. Notify in comments with info – country, device, VideoHost/Stream, ErrorMessage / issue info / Screenshot..
EG: Australia, IPhone 8, Dailymotion, Error = HD not available in quality list. – screenshot link.

# Which link should i use to watch live shows.
– All SD/LQ are usually stable but CATCHUP links will be the mostly stable.

# Why Stream HD live keeps going down.
– During big live shows, HD links can get rejected due to copyright, stream admins will replace it asap, just click refresh icon and it will work with new link.

# I posted a comment / request / issue. its not appearing.
– We keep comments for approval so that any admin that can solve can easily find users with issue and give answer, when any admin has an answer for ur query / request they will reply u..

# Why collection updates still in pending.
Daily we are making little progress in collection to restart, without earnings we are stuck inbetween as far as collection is concerned, the plan was to start collection in August 2023. but its long gone and we are still trying to find a decent host that wont delete old files to keep collections.

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WWE Shows

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  • Anthony Kilbride 4 years ago

    I have emailed before… Why can’t I chrome cast replays.. I no I can live but replays I can’t why is that?? There is no option too??

    Kind regards

    • Admin 4 years ago

      which video hosting? dailymotion | primevideos | top hd, which hosting giving issues & what error are you getting.

  • patrick 4 years ago

    all nitro episodes from 1996 to 2000

    • Admin 4 years ago

      it will come in collection threads later.

      • patrick 4 years ago

        Please use opendrive when posting its the most reliable, also if you can have the raw episodes rom 1996 to 2000 it would be appreciated that way we can watch the monday night wars in real time.. thanks

  • Anonymous 4 years ago

    I reported a user named ‘Terry’ for trolling last week and as far as I understand how the situation goes, he should be forbidden permanently from the chat sphere. Why is he even still existing in the chat? His profile picture is inappropriately manipulated Terry Bogard; it is so disrupting and irritating to other people. Please do not let him bother viewers and troll again whatsoever. Honestly, at least to me, he must be done and out of chat space as I’m sick and tired of his verbal conducts and harassments.

    • Admin 4 years ago

      i have tagged the stream admins to this post.

      • Anonymous 4 years ago

        To stream administrators,

        Why does it take so long to ban the former ‘Heul’/current ‘Terry’ user? While you are hesitant to take action, this inappropriately edited Terry Bogard photo-using person continues to troll in the chat, making other people there uncomfortable (For example, this past Monday on Raw, when one user asked members who won the match between Bobby Lashley and R-Truth, the ‘Terry’ user answered ‘Little Jimmy’ while others said Lashley, seeking personal attention.). I don’t totally understand why you stream administrators let him spread fake information in the chat and bother viewers despite my previous report. Did he threaten you? I would like to make my request plain and simple again: Please suspend him indefinitely from the chat space. Until you do so, I will continue to report ‘Terry’ whenever he exerts personal attacks on other users.

      • Ricky 4 years ago

        Just message @Admin or @Jacob or @Mark or @Legion in the live chat itself & the stream admin will take action, they rarely check main site comments.

  • Michelle 4 years ago


    I would like to offer you partnership by buying your traffic, we can work on several monetization solutions ( banner, push notifications and pop-up) .

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    Please contact me via Skype for more information and better communication: live:followup_41 Hope to hear back from you,

    Best regards,

  • Criss 4 years ago

    Undertaker Last ride episode 2 zippyshare please

  • ClassicWrestlingLover 4 years ago

    Will the collection thread have all WWF, TNA,WCW, ECW and maybe NWA-TNA weekly PPVs? Also If possible can you upload old ROH PPVs? I can’t wait for the big collection thread to be up it’s gonna be lit. thanks for everything yall do for this site its one of the best wrestling sites ever!

    • Ricky 4 years ago

      every pro wrestling will be covered eventually, but we have to place the links secure or they will get rejected in few weeks so we cannot post the currently ready show links till the devs find a way to secure those links.

  • piere don 4 years ago

    aew DON conwtdown ???

  • Leo Gros 4 years ago

    Hey Admin, I have an idea for the site have you ever thought about making a way for users to make an account to login and like a post so it’s easier for users to find the shows without looking all thru the site or make a my list option to add to a users list of shows so it’s easier to find without having to look thru the entire site? Just an idea to make the site even better. 🙂

    • Admin 4 years ago

      That is the idea for collection site, we have links of some shows ready but still devs working on securing the links to not get rejected.

  • Joel Johnson 4 years ago

    The Last Ride Chapter 3

  • cmpunk07 4 years ago

    I tried to type in a comment and it said that I was banned, why? I didn’t do anything.

    • Legion 4 years ago

      i cannot find that user name in banlist, what is your username.
      fyi if you use proxy chatbox will auto ban.

      • cmpunk07 4 years ago

        It’s cmpunk07. I don’t think I use proxy, is that ***?

      • Admin 4 years ago

        yes chat box does not allow that. to avoid spamming. your id is not in ban list.

      • cmpunk07 4 years ago


      • cmpunk07 4 years ago

        I don’t use ** in this site, though.

      • Admin 4 years ago

        the proxy becomes an issue only for chat box, it auto blocks proxy users 2 avoid spamming 4rm bots. there is not way 2 disable it.
        in all other sections of the site you will not have problems.
        your id is not in banlist.

      • cmpunk07 4 years ago

        It’s ok I can chat now. Thx for your help but I have another problem, why is my live soo late and so slow, I get spoiled match endings in the chatbox and the stream lags. Why?

      • Admin 4 years ago

        use stream 5 or 4 they will the fastest. ask his chatbox during live which live is faster & use that stream.

    • billcu1 4 years ago

      You know that happened to me punk07 too. IDK why, I just don’t talk to many so I myself would rather have my account erased. IDK if it’s something up with the site itself technically, or “badass” moderators banning everyone. I and TNATHOT noticed something last week IDK if you did, the moderators were fighting with some serious trolls as if they were trolls themselves. The rules do say if you do not like someone to ignore them. IDK if you can “block” someone or not. I see some people mess or jk around but if it is that you can’t say a word why log in. Do you use a web proxy? There are different kinds the site has issue with that sometimes.

      • Admin 4 years ago

        take it up with the stream admins in chat, pls do not make me regret involving in their section in unblocking you, if you do not like some 1 just ignore them in chatbox.

  • ClassicWrestlingFan 4 years ago

    Hey Admin, Do you have any idea when the big collections will be available to watch? Manily ima waiting for the WWF/E, NWA-TNA Weekly PPVS, WCW PPVs, ECW PPVs, old TNA PPV’s and ROH PPV’s collections. I can’t wait to start beng watching the events! Keep up the site I love it and appreciate all you do for the site. Happy Weekend!!!

    • Admin 4 years ago

      we dont want 2 let the links get rejected so waiting for the devs 2 find a way to secure links so they will not get rejected fast.

  • undertaker last ride episode 4 zippyshare

    • Admin 4 years ago

      no episodes today.

      episode 4 will be available next week or just before backlash.

      • cmpunk07 4 years ago

        We have a problem. Stream 5 is suspended and it’s fastest stream ever. Please try to bring it back.

      • Admin 4 years ago

        it will work during live.

      • cmpunk07 4 years ago

        Hey I need help. I got banned again for using proxy. I turned it off. I should wait for how long?

      • Admin 4 years ago

        ur id not in ban list, i have deleted your id, close, open browser & recreate that id.

      • cmpunk07 4 years ago

        Please respond ASAP.

      • cmpunk07 4 years ago

        Stream 4 for AEW is down.

      • Admin 4 years ago

        Stream 4 will be on auto, if it goes down it will come back up automatic.